1-What is an intelligence agency?

The secret agents of intelligence agency are smart. They drive fast cars and regularly save the world through their ingenious investigative work. At least that’s how Agent 007, James Bond, has conveyed it so far. In more recent productions like “Homeland”, the picture looks somewhat different. But what is there to the myth?

Greenpeace – Bombing Rainbow Warrior-1

On July 10, 1985, the French secret service in New Zealand sank the Greenpeace ship “Rainbow Warrior”. Although one man died, France denied everything – and even promoted those behind it.

Weltraum Spacewalk

Big Spacewalk: 3 almost deadly spacewalks

Space: What a romantic thought. Floating out in space. Peace, silence, the earth glowing below you and only a small layer of astronaut suit separating you from the deadly vacuum of space.

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